Thursday, February 28, 2013



We took a leap of faith and decided to home school all of our kiddos this semester.  The last 6 months + have been very challenging as we have worked to help Matthew work though his deep emotional issues.  Vernon and I felt very strongly that we needed to bring everyone home this semester to have more focused time, work to heal hearts and to simply slow down our pace of life and regroup and strengthen our family.

We started off with a fun "Indian Lore" project that we based off of the Boy Scout "Indian Lore" merit badge.  We took a trip to the Native American Museum in Bentonville, AR and then started our home school studying an Indian Tribe.

We completed our big study with an "Indian Lore Night" where ate foods that were fairly "Native American" in nature, everyone showed their "dwelling" that they made, everyone read their reports,  and we played a few Indian games.
We had so much fun!!

Our Native American dinner

"Navajo Tacos," blueberries, and corn on the cob

David dressed up for the event, of course!

Rachel and Bethany

Mason and David start out on the stick pull


Rachel studied the "Inuit Tribe" (Eskimos)
 Obviously, some got into their projects a little more than others -- Rachel spent hours on her igloo and Benjamin quickly pulled together a nice "long house" for his tribe.

 Bethany and David studied the Cherokee Indian Tribe.

Bethany's model
Daniel studied the "Chumash Tribe" and had fun making his model

  David really got into his project and loves the "hands on" projects.

Go David!

Joseph pulled out a quick Teepee for his tribe

Rebecca liked Joseph's pencil teepee so she varied and used pens for hers.

Benjamin and his "long house."
David -- Cherokee

Daniel -- Chumash

Bethany -- Cherokee

Rachel -- Inuit

Benjamin --

Joseph -- he really loves it, but always likes to give me the "mom" look. :)


Dad and Joseph have a go at the stick pull!

 We all discovered --especially Benjamin -- how strong Rebecca is!
She is strong, tough and fast!!!  Watch out!

Mason followed right along and stopped to show us his strong muscles!!

Rebecca liked showing off how strong she is, but Dad was able to hold her off!
Daniel and Rachel

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