Thursday, February 28, 2013



Today my handsome prince sent me a video link that he had watched and encouraged me to watch.  I was so inspired by this that I am jumping in with a trail run tomorrow in our home school!
We have such a variety of levels and personalities in our 8 home schoolers with a wide range of ages -- 4 1/2 to 17 1/2!!
It will be interesting to see how this goes!
I had all ready planned to do an activity to go along with our brief study of Robert Fulton, so it will be fairly easy to adapt this lesson to follow the 
guidelines of the SOLE approach.
Watch the video, look at the packet, and check back to see what happens tomorrow!  Wish me luck!!

With our variety of kiddos, some unfortunately with some baggage from their past in Russian orphanages, I think that this "group" work and the guidelines presented could be some really good learning experiences.  It could also end up being chaos -- but we are going to try.

As I have summarized this in my mind: we will do a 1 - 1 1/2  hour session learning about submarines, they will gather information, create a poster and make a submarine out of supplies that I provide.  I have the supplies to create pop bottle submarines but I think I will give them a little start and then NOT provide any instructions.  I will see how far they can get with just an occasional question from me to encourage them.
A KEY COMPONENT in all of this approach is the "GRANDMOTHER ROLE."  That is defined as having someone complimenting their efforts and telling them how clever and smart they are for figuring out what they do!!
My role tomorrow during this activity will be to present a short youtube video linked here:
and get them excited about how cool subs are!
Then set them loose to figure out how they work, where they came from 
and with the assignment to build one!
As they work and progress, I will help with behavior, be a sounding board that doesn't give answers, encourage problem solving and mostly tell them how great they are doing!!!

I am excited to see what happens!!!
I am pretty sure I will have one son who will get mad and will end up with everyone leaving his group -- there is always the option of changing groups at any time in this philosophy!!!
There will be some good social experiences and learning how to get along and to behave in a way so that people want to work with you.
It will be interesting!!!
I wonder if we will end up with 2 groups or 7 by the end of the activity!!! :)

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